
For oral and lightning sessions, you will use the CONFERENCE LAPTOP to avoid technical issues and optimize timing.

You need to upload your Presentation/poster to the CMT submission system before NOVEMBER 25, 2024, Midnight AoE (Anywhere on Earth).

Preparation and submission

Please read the information about the oral sessions carefully.

1) Presentation duration

  • Total time: 15 minutes
  • Presentation: 12 minutes, with 3 minutes allocated for setup, introduction, and Q&A.

2) Slide Format

  • Accepted formats: PowerPoint (.ppt or .pptx) or PDF
  • First Slide: Include your presentation title, author names, affiliations, and the conference logo (available
  • Font & Media Compatibility: Embed non-standard fonts and use standard video/audio codecs compatible with PowerPoint if needed.

3) File naming

  • File name format: [SUBMISSION_ID][PRESENTER_SURNAME][PRESENTER_NAME] (e.g., 654_Smith_John).
  • Use the unique submission ID provided by CMT.


  1. Log into CMT Microsoft ( using your credentials.
  2. In the "Action" column, click UPLOAD SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL, upload your file, and Save.
  3. Click on Back to the Author Console in the SUBMISSION SUMMARY PAGE
You will see your file in the author console.


  1. Click on Edit Submission in the author Console (for submission 654)
  2. Enter the Presenter Name on the Submission Summary page (e.g., John Smith for submission 654).
  3. Click Save Changes to return to the author console.
  For any questions, contact the submission system team at  

Please read the information about the lightning sessions carefully.

1) Presentation duration

  • Presentation: 5 minutes
  • Questions: There are 5 min for questions from the audience after all the presentations at the end of the session.

2) Slide Format


    3) File naming

    • File name format: [SUBMISSION_ID][PRESENTER_SURNAME][PRESENTER_NAME] (e.g., 654_Smith_John).
    • Use the unique submission ID provided by CMT.


    1. Log into CMT Microsoft ( using your credentials.
    2. In the "Action" column, click UPLOAD SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL, upload your file, and Save.
    3. Click on Back to the Author Console in the SUBMISSION SUMMARY PAGE
    You will see your file in the author console.


    1. Click on Edit Submission in the author Console (for submission 654)
    2. Enter the Presenter Name on the Submission Summary page (e.g., John Smith for submission 654).
    3. Click Save Changes to return to the author console.

    Lightning Presentation Tips

    1. Use illustrations and graphic material on each slide instead of textual content alone to increase comprehension and retention.
    2.  Keep the wording to a minimum, as you want the audience focused on what you are saying in the short time allotted, not trying to read words on your slides.
    3. Try to keep your presentation focused on visuals. Feel free to get creative with laying out your information and data.
    4.  Remember that you are the presenter, not the slides. Use your slides to emphasize a point, keep yourself on track, and illustrate an issue with a graphic or photo.
    5.  Keep it simple, clean, and concise. Use consistent wording. The maximum screen load is 6 to 8 lines and 30-35 words for a single slide.
    6.  Practice your presentation. Know your time limit (presentation length) and set a timer for these practice presentations.
      For any questions, contact the submission system team at
    Please read the information about the Poster sessions carefully.

    1) Presentation duration

    • Posters will be presented in half-day sessions.
    • Mounting and Removal :
      • Morning Sessions: Mount by 09:00 and remove by 13:00.
      • Afternoon Sessions: Mount by 13:30 and remove by 19:00.
    • Presentation Time: Please stand by your poster during the coffee break (35 minutes) to engage with attendees. We encourage you to periodically present and answer questions to foster discussion.
    • Poster Placement: Mount your poster on the board assigned by its program number. Mounting materials will be provided.

    2) Format


    3) File naming

    • File name format: [SUBMISSION_ID][PRESENTER_SURNAME][PRESENTER_NAME] (e.g., 654_Smith_John).
    • Use the unique submission ID provided by CMT.


    1. Log into CMT Microsoft ( using your credentials.
    2. In the "Action" column, click UPLOAD SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL, upload your file, and Save.
    3. Click on Back to the Author Console in the SUBMISSION SUMMARY PAGE
    You will see your file in the author console.


    1. Click on Edit Submission in the author Console (for submission 654)
    2. Enter the Presenter Name on the Submission Summary page (e.g., John Smith for submission 654).
    3. Click Save Changes to return to the author console.
      For any questions, contact the submission system team at
    We appreciate your support in making COMPLEX NETWORKS 2024 a success, and we thank you for your cooperation in this endeavor.If you have questions concerning your presentation, please contact the submission system staff at