Towards a Sustainable Event

Green meetings are based on a sustainability framework which balances environmental, economic and social impacts. COMPLEX NETWORKS is working towards having a limited impact on the environment and climate and delivering value to the community.  These guidelines are provided for attendees, committees and contractors to reduce COMPLEX NETWORKS direct and indirect environmental impacts that occur through its supply chain and partnerships

Our Objectives

  Key environmental objectives for COMPLEX NETWORKS include:
  • Reducing Energy & Water Consumption
  • Reduce the amount of waste
  • Increasing the quantity of waste recycled
  • Reducing travel environmental impacts
  • Reduce purchase environmental impacts
  • Increasing environmental awareness
  • Drive behavior change


Our Actions

The icons of relevant UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) illustrate how our actions contributes to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

They include:


  • The venue is part of the sustainable green campus of YTU
  • It that can be reached conveniently by public transport.
  • It complies with zoning requirements and laws related to protected and sensitive areas and to heritage considerations.
  • Sites, buildings and activities are accessible to persons with physical disabilities and other special needs.
  • Clear and accurate information is provided on the level of accessibility.
  • Accessibility is certified or checked with relevant experts/user bodies.
  • The staff is involved with sustainable event planning and management in the venue.

Energy management

  • Energy used is monitored and managed.
  • The target average temperature at the venue is 21 degrees Celsius.
  • Equipment and practices are used to minimize energy use.
  • Staff are given guidance on minimizing energy use.

Water management

  • Water used in the venue is monitored and managed.
  • Goals for reducing water consumption are in place.
  • Equipment and practices are used to minimize water consumption.
  • Staff and guests are given guidance on minimizing water use.

Food and drinking water

  • We privilege pro-sustainable local suppliers.
  • We use seasonal foods transported in environmentally sound ways.
  • We do not use products from heated greenhouses or foods transported by air.
  • We offer vegan/vegetarian dishes.
  • Meat and/or fish is based on environmental considerations.
  • We offer organic and fair-trade hot drinks.
  • We use reusable crockery, cutlery and glasses.
  • Servers restock the buffet only when necessary.
  • We donate surplus food.
  • Water dispensers at the venue may be used with reusable bottles distributed to all participants.
  • We have a non-plastic bottle policy.
  • Compare the carbon footprint of various ingredients with this CO2 calculator

Waste Management & Recycling

  • The amount of solid waste is monitored and managed.
  • Every effort is made to avoid waste generation in the first place.
  • All unavoidable waste is strictly separated at the source to achieve the highest possible recycling quality.
  • Posters explaining how to properly sort waste are throughout the conference venue.
  • Pictograms provide orientation on which bin should be used
  • Participants and suppliers are asked to actively participate in the waste management initiative and support waste avoidance and waste separation as much as possible.
  • Suppliers are required to take back packaging.
  • Participants are invited to leave leftover food on the table after finishing their meal.
  • Catering staff separates unavoidable food waste.
  • Please follow the waste separation instructions at the venue and your accommodations when available.


  • Focus on sustainability to look for hotels on booking portals.
  • Choose an environmentally responsible hotel (e.g., sustainable energy, reuse of towels and linens,etc).
  • Measures for mobility, procurement of products and services, catering, waste management, water use, and accessibility action areas are also relevant to choosing your hotel.
  • Check our recommended hotels in Istanbul.

Local Transportation

  • Use climate-friendly transport options provided and promoted during your visit.
  • We ensure signposting of the nearest public transport station.
  • We assign parking areas to different user groups (such as people with disabilities, carpools, e-vehicles and car-shares).
  • We encourage those offsetting their unavoidable greenhouse gas emissions to communicate their Twitter handle to COMPLEX NETWORKS staff at the Registration Desk and have their picture taken for a thank you message on social media.

Paper use

  • We avoid printouts
  • We use printing materials recycled and certified by an eco-label.
  • To reduce paper consumption COMPLEX NETWORKS :
    • Use digital event management systems.
    • Send documents electronically.
    • Make use of the conference website.
    • Display information on screens at the venue.
    • Use QR codes to distribute program

Conference Swag & Giveaways

  • We try to minimize conference swag and giveaways.
  • We select environmentally sound swag and giveaways produced in a socially responsible way.
  • We ask exhibitors to choose swag and giveaways awarded the Blue Angel environmental label or the EU Ecolabel.
  • We choose bags made of environmentally compatible materials.
  • If food items are purchased for gifts, we choose seasonal, organic products that are transported in an environmentally sound way, or that are fairtrade

Eco-Friendly Purchasing Policy

  • Any purchase should be crucial to the successful implementation of the event.
  • Check wheter the need can be met by acquiring used products or hiring products.
  • Purchasing policies favor environmentally sustainable suppliers and products, including food, beverages, and consumables.
  • Purchasing favors reusable, returnable and recycled goods.
  • Purchasing and use of consumable and disposable goods are monitored and managed.

Dissemination of Information

  • The sustainability chair handles the organization with due regard for sustainability concerns.
  • She provides expert support on specific questions related to sustainability to attendees and suppliers.
  • She informs staff at the venue about sustainability-related measures and get them involved in implementing those measures.
  • She informs participants about sustainability issues at the event.
  • She determines the effects of measures that were taken in terms of quality and quantity.
  • She communicates the analyzed data.
  • She determines potential improvements for future editions.
  • Sustainability policies and actions are reported in external and internal communication material.
  • Communications contain messages inviting consumer and stakeholder support.
  • An attendee feedback system is in place, together with an analysis of the results.
  • Negative feedback and responses made to this are recorded.
  • COMPLEX NETWORKS strongly encourages the electronic dissemination of information.
  • In line with the objectives of the paper-reduction initiative, participants are encouraged to rely on digital versions of official documents, which can be downloaded from the WEBSITE
  • To further facilitate access, QR codes for selected official documents are displayed on poster boards close to the Registration Desk and in the session rooms.
  • The Daily Program for the conference is available in electronic form only. A PDF version is posted each morning on the WEBSITE
  • To reduce paper usage and waste at the conference, participants are asked to refrain from distributing any printed material, such as publications and information related to side events and exhibits, other meetings, or future conferences. 

Positive Local Impact

  • We try to foster a positive impact by getting the local community involved.
  • Local scientific community is invited to get involved in satellite events.
  • Scientists from the region are involved in the event organization
  • When purchasing goods and services, the organization gives priority to local suppliers whenever these are available and of sufficient quality.
  • Remaining goods are donated to the local community.
  • Volunteers are recruited locally if possible.
  • We ensure the venue is accessible (barrier-free) to all peoples, including those of physical disability.
  • We publish COMPLEX NETWORKS code of conduct.

Event Certification

  • The environmental performance of COMPLEX NETWORKS is certified by an external environmental society, REEVE.
  • REEVE provides the overall framework for the sustainable organization of the event, covering aspects such as energy and resource efficiency, legal compliance, and stakeholder engagement.
  • COMPLEX NETWORKS is in the First level of the certification process.
  • To evaluate the environmental performance of the conference, key performance indicators  are measured and reported.